Guannan Wei
Code & Open Source Contribution
Feb 5, 2025

Guannan Wei🔗

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Recent services:
• PC: ICFP 2025, TFPIE 2025, PLDI 2025, OOPSLA 2025

Curriculum Vitae
Research Statement
Teaching Statement
Diversity Statement

I am a postdoctoral researcher in the ANTIQUE team at INRIA and École Normale Supérieure (Paris), working with Caterina Urban. I am also a visiting assistant professor at Tufts University.

I obtained my Ph.D. in Computer Science from Purdue University (advised by Tiark Rompf), and M.S. from the University of Utah (advised by Matt Might). As an undergraduate, I majored in Law and Management Information System at China University of Geosciences Beijing. Previously, I was a postdoctoral researcher at Purdue and interned at SambaNova Systems, Galois, and Baidu. I occasionally take notes of what I read, collect elegant programs, or post random thoughts in my Blog.

I will join CS@Tufts as an Assistant Professor in Fall 2025. If you are interested in working with me in programming languages, formal methods, or software engineering, feel free to reach out!


I study the scientific and engineering aspects of programming, driven by a fascination with how it allows people creating abstractions and communicating ideas. My research aims to develop novel notions and tools that empower people to build correct, safe, and efficient software.

More specifically, I am interested in type systems, program analysis/verification/testing, compilers/interpreters, metaprogramming, as well as their applications. Some of my ongoing research themes include:


Drafts/Under Submission
  • Avoid Arguments and Escape with Your Self: Expressive Subtyping and Decidable Bidirectional Checking for Reachability Types
    Songlin Jia, Guannan Wei, Siyuan He, Yueyang Tang, Yuyan Bao, Tiark Rompf
    Under submission

  • Modeling Reachability Types with Logical Relations
    Yuyan Bao, Songlin Jia, Guannan Wei, Oliver Bračevac, Tiark Rompf
    Under submission

  • Snek: Overloading Python Semantics via Virtualization
    James M. Decker, Dan Moldovan, Andrew A. Johnson, Guannan Wei, Fei Wang, Grégory Essertel, Alexander B. Wiltschko, Tiark Rompf

Conference/Workshop Papers







Code & Open Source Contribution🔗


Keep fun in computing — Alan Perlis